Artist Statement

My art is a synthesis of personal experience and perceptual awareness, inseparable from the process of life as it flows through me. I am drawn to the beauty of the human form and living systems of the natural world as imprints of a greater animating force: unseen, not fully knowable, yet deeply felt in the human experience. Through symbol, myth and metaphor I seek to integrate perceptions of my internal experience with transcendent understanding of this infinite intelligence. For me, symbols, and the creative process itself, can feel like part of a relational language that points to the essential nature of being as unified, dynamic and timeless. Preceded at times by periods of confusion or challenge, it is a wonder to touch moments of creation informed by this relational awareness in my work.


Martha Robinson is a practicing artist and landscape designer trained in a wide variety of media. She views her landscape and design activity as symbiotic with her fine art practice. Designing with a living, changing medium provides both inspiration and illuminated insight into the movements of the natural world and man's relationship to that world.

Robinson grew up in Maine and began making art at an early age. She studied art in high school and college, earning a BA in Studio Art at Connecticut College and moving progressively closer to the New York City area and what is now her home in Connecticut. She is certified in landscape design by the New York Botanical Gardens. Robinson's time in New York included working with innovative growth companies, which reflected a growing awareness of how creativity drives change and the evolutionary impulse of life. Later, when she and her husband had twins, the innate impulse of her children to create echoed this awareness that creative expression is essential to the human experience of life. When she returned to art 30 years ago, she began to include aspects of both the universal creative impulse and how it makes meaning across time. Symbolism and archetypal imagery began to emerge in her process and continue in her work today.